Cardiotoxicity side effects of chemotherapeutics

Landherr László¹, Nagy András Csaba², Nagykálnai Tamás³ – ¹Uzsoki utcai Kórház, Budapest, Onkoradiológiai Központ, ²Uzsoki utcai Kórház, Budapest, I. Belgyógyászat-Kardiológia, ³Budapest, XV. ker. Szakrendelő, Onkológia, Budapest

Most of classical anticancer agents, the modern monoclonal antibodies, and the small molecule tyrosin kinase inhibitors associated with strong adverse effects on the cardiovascular system. Cardiotoxicity is becoming one of the most important complications of anticancer therapy. The mechanism of cardiotoxicity vary widely among diverse chemotherapeutic agents. This article summarizes cardiotoxicites caused by a range of anticancer agents, and emphasize the need for cooperation between oncologists and cardiologists.

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