Fluid in preformed cavity to malignancy

Szöllősi Regő
Dél-Pesti Centrum Kórház – Országos Hematológiai és Infektológia Intézet

The malignancy associated fl uids like pleural effusion, ascites and pericardiac fluid are a common problems in patients with cancer. Despite the existence of typical types of cancer for these fluid accumulations, nearly all types of cancer can cause malignancy associated fl uids. The presentation of these fl uids is generally a sign for disease progression, and forecast a poor prognosis. The prognostic factors include the type of cancer, the response to antitumorous therapy and the general condition of the patient, which include age, ECOG status and so on. In most of the cases, the treatment of these fl uid accumulations is supposed to decrease the symptoms, and guarantee an acceptable quality of life, consequently the treatment has a palliative intent. Indeed, there are some exceptions such as cardiac tamponade. From the large scale of available treatments, we have to choose upon careful risk analysis.

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