Indications of extended peritonectomy in oncology

Tóth Lajos Barna, Bartók Róza
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Kórházak és Egyetemi Oktatókórház, Általános Sebészet, Nyíregyháza

Peritoneal carcinosis is frequent and has a poor prognosis independently from the tumor of origin. The traditional chemotherapy and debulking procedures were rather ineffective. The application of cytoreductive surgery (CRS) and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) reports a huge improvement, which is a new approach in Hungary. The procedure developed for the treatment of peritoneal tumors specifi cally has been established for a well-selected patients population, with signifi cantly longer survival or full recovery. The aim of this review is to give a survey on the relevant literature on the combinated procedure, and summarize the surgical management, indication and results.

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