Prevention of drug-related neuropathy in the clinical practice

Vajdics Tímea
Dél-pesti Centrumkórház, Országos Hematológiai és Infektológiai Intézet, Onkológia Osztály, Budapest

There was a revolution of oncological treatments in the last five years caused by introduction of immuncheckpoint inhibitors. Platinum and taxane based chemotherapies are the standard of care of the most frequent malignancies such as colon and breast cancer. Significant improvement was achieved concerning side effects of chemotherapy in the few past decades. Preventive treatment of vomiting, neutropenia, aneamia are now based on clinical evidences. Meanwhile, there remained side effects (including chemotherapy induced neuropathy) which are difficult to treat. This article provides overwiev of the pharmacological therapies, vitamins and non-pharmacological procedures aimed to prevent chemotherapy induced neuropathy. Unfortunately still there are no drugs that are highly effective of preventing of chemotherapy induced periferial neuropathy validated in randomized clinical trials.

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