Emerging novel therapies of metastatic bladder cancer

Szarvas Tibor (1,2), Szabados Bernadett (3), Valikovics Anikó (1), Riesz Péter (1), Horváth András (1), Szalontai János (1), Szűcs Miklós (1), Nyirády Péter (1)
(1) Semmelweis Egyetem ÁOK, Urológiai Klinika és Uroonkológiai Centrum, Budapest
(2) Duisburg-Esseni Egyetem, Urológiai Klinika, Essen
(3) Barts Cancer Institute, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK

The therapeutic options of locally advanced or metastatic urothelial carcinoma are rapidly evolving and based on data from prospective clinical trials the prognosis of this disease has significantly improved. This process is likely to continue over the coming years, resulting in improved survival for patients with bladder cancer. However, therapeutic decision-making will become increasingly complex, as multiple drugs with different mechanisms of action will become available for the same patient groups, often in various sequences that clinical trials will no longer be able to compare. Therefore, the role of biomarkers will undoubtedly become more significant, which will encourage the availability of molecular testing, moving treatments increasingly toward a more personalized approach.

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