Follicular lymphoma – a way to personalized and targeted therapy

Bödör Csaba (1) , Schneider Tamás (2)
– (1) MTA-SE Lendület Molekuláris Onkohematológia Kutatócsoport, I. sz. Patológiai és Kísérleti Rákkutató Intézet, Semmelweis Egyetem, Budapest
– (2) Országos Onkológiai Intézet, „A” Belgyógyászati Onkológiai és Hematológiai Osztály, Lymphoma Centrum, Budapest

Although follicular lymphoma is the most frequent non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma with an indolent clinical course, it is a rare disease. Patients with FL are characterized with a long survival with a relatively good quality of life, however using the current standard chemo-immunotherapy, the disease is considered incurable. The increasing knowledge of the molecular genetic background of the disease and the role of the reactive microenvironment lead to a better understanding of the pathogenesis of follicular lymphoma. Furt- hermore, the detailed functional characterization of the various cell surface antigens and deciphering the complex network of signaling pathways catalyzed the development of a number of novel targeted therapies (monoclonal antibodies, kinase- and NFκB-inhibitors), while understanding the effects of the cell surface receptors of cytotoxic T-cells initiated development of the monoclonal checkpoint inhibitors. The epigenetic therapies represent a novel therapeutic area with methyltransferase inhibitors demonstrating the most favorable results. Among the novel therapies, the immunomodulatory lenalidomide appears as the most promising and most effective drug, which acts via regulating the microenvironment, and in combination with rituximab in fi  rst line setting it demonstrated similar effi  cacy to the current standard protocols. Indeed, the rational use of the novel data and drugs paves the way towards personalized and targeted therapies for FL, resulting in more effective treatment and further improvement in patients’ survival, with a very long disease-free survival representing cure.

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