Fusions in solid tumors

Kopper László
Semmelweis Egyetem, I. Sz. Patológiai és Kísérleti Rákkutató Intézet, Budapest

Genetic fusions are the cosequence of genomic rearrangement including chromosomal inversion, interstitial deletion, duplication, amplifi cation, translocation. Fusions can infl uence tumor development and progression. Fusions fi rst discovered in hematological malignances (e.g. BCR-ABL), butlater more and more were identifi ed dueto the higly sensitive NGS. It has been found that the oncogenic fusions are in minority in a given tumor. Today, some fusions were apprevedas targets (ALK, ROS1, PDGFB) by FDA. Asino ther targeted therapy resistance is in evitable, which is a very important challenge for newly designed drugs.

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