Individualized treatment of advanced/metastatic adult soft tissue sarcomas

Zoltan Szűcs (1), Robin L. Jones (2)
(1) The Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust, Ipswich
(2) The Royal Marsden Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London

Considering the extreme histological heterogeneity of soft tissue sarcomas (STS), their management is an art of its own. Over the last decade the treatment of STSs has been slowly shifting towards a more individualized, histology driven tailored approach. With the availability of novel antineoplastic agents and the differential sensitivity of different subtypes of sarcomas to these drugs, we aim to provide some guidance in terms of optimal sequencing of therapies. Furthermore, we discuss some of the emerging targeted therapies currently evaluated for the palliative treatment of the more common and some of the very rare STS subtypes.

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