Obesity and cancer

Valtinyi Dorottya
Szent Imre Egyetemi Oktatókórház, Klinikai Onkológiai Osztály

The role of obesity in the development of cancer is well-known from ages. However, these days we witness the explosion-like increase of obesity, globally, but mainly in the economically advanced population, and, which is even more alarming, among youngsters. The prognosis of the obesity-related cancer is rather poor, therefore, the prevention, including the screening, have outstanding importance. Unfortunately, the participation of the obes persons, especially obes women, in these programs is very low. The diagnostics and therapies should consider the special features of obesity, which are related to the magnitude, distribution, composition of fatty tissue connected to the changes in pharmacokinetics. Moreover, the problems might be complicated with obesity-associated non-tumorous severe diseases (e.g. cardiovascular, diabetes type 2).This review covers different aspects of obesity-cancer relationships, with an emphasis on everyday oncology.

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