Pharmacological treatment of metastatic melanoma

Oláh Judit (1), Gyulai Rolland (2) –
(1) SZTE, ÁOK, Bőrgyógyászati és Allergológiai Klinika, Szeged
(2) PTE, ÁOK, Bőr- Nemikórtani és Onkodermatológiai Klinika, Pécs

Malignant melanoma belongs to the group of relatively easily manageable tumors; if detected and removed early, it rarely metastasizes. Although the visible nature of the primary tumor provides opportunity for early diagnosis, there is a signifi cant portion of patients who receive proper management only with substantial delay. The fact that there are annually 300-400 patients with metastatic disease in Hungary, can be mostly attributed to public unawareness about melanoma, and consequent delay in seeking medical treatment. Metastatic melanoma remains – even today – an incurable disease. Molecular genetic research, however, resulted in revolutionary changes in melanoma management. Today, apart from the classic pathological prognostic factors, information regarding specifi c molecular modifi cations (such as in the expression of the BRAF, NRAS, c-KIT genes and proteins) are inevitable for the setting up of a personalized oncological treatment plan. By targeting members of the MAPK signal transmission pathway (using BRAF- and MEK-inhibitors), signifi cant improvement could be achieved in metastatic melanoma. Similarly, new drugs targeting specifi c immune checkpoint regulators (such as CTLA-4 and PD-1/PD-1L) provide previously unprecedented survival benefi t for melanoma patients. In this review the most recent developments in the fi eld of melanoma management are summarized.

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