
Lakosi Ferenc (1), Hadjiev Janaki (1), Cselik Zsolt (2), Gulybán Ákos (3)
(1) Kaposvári Egyetem, Egészségügyi Centrum, Onkoradiológia, Kaposvár
(2) Csolnoky Ferenc Kórház, Regionális Onkológiai Központ, Sugárterápiás Osztály, Veszprém
(3) Radiation Oncology Department, Europe Hospitals Brussels, Brussels, Belgium

Radiotherapy with protons is a promising technology in the field of modern radiation oncology. From a physical point of view, radiotherapy with protons has important advantages compared to the currently used photons due to its unique energy absorption profile, which may result in a better local tumor control and reduced radiation-induced side effects. Increasing number of patients is treated with protons and carbon-ions. Our report aim to present the current status of proton radiotherapy including physical and technological aspects, standard and non-standard indications, ongoing clinical trials and the proton vs. photon debate in terms of patient selection.

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