The role of physical activity in oncology

Petrányi Ágota, Gyimesi Zsófia
Egyesített Szent István és Szent László Kórház, Onkológiai Osztály, Budapest

Although nowadays there are a lot spoken about the role of physical activity in illness prevention, however it is barely connected to the treatment of malignant diseases. The regular exercises can improve physical performance and fitness; increase muscle mass; change the body composition and proportion favorably. The positive psychological effects can decrease distress and depression; improve mood of patient; increase self-confi dence and self-respect. Finally, all of these will result in an improved quality of life. The malignant disease and the treatments can draw down either short-term or long-term consequences and side-effects that can largely infl uence or restrict everyday life. Most of them could be essentially reduced by the help of a physiotherapist experienced in oncology adopting a well-defi ned and customized workout.

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