The role of stromal components in the behavior of malignant tumors

Kovalszky Ilona, Baghy Kornélia
Semmelweis Egyetem, I. Sz. Patológiai és Kísérleti Rákkutató Intézet, Budapest

Stroma was considered for a long time as an innocent bystander without infl uence on the behavior of the cancer tissue. However, this opinion considerably changed in the last twenty years. Increasing evidences have been gathered proving that all components of the stroma is active participant in the development and progression of cancer. Although stroma can exert protective role against the early development of tumors, this changes soon as cancer cells are forcing the stromal components to support their growth. This can be accomplished by the induction of stromal stiffness, production of fuels, citokines, growth factors, new blood vessels for the progression of cancer cells. This recognition lead to the introduction of a new approach, targeting stroma in anticancer therapy. Among those attempt excellent results have been achieved by the immune and antiangiogenesis therapy, but countless other attempts are going on.

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