The use of vitamins and trace elements in oncology

Répási Eszter
Testnevelési Egyetem, Sporttudományok Doktori Iskola, Budapest

The effects of diet on development cancer and tumor control has been studied for along time, because diet has a key role in treatment of cancer. A multidisciplinary team is needed for proper use of vitamins and trace elements in cancer patients. This multidisciplinary team (oncologist, dietitian, laboratory assistant) can provide the professional supervision from the medical examination to the practical implementation, which can control the proper intake of these nutrients and the individual conditions. Dietetian is helped by appropriate health assessment (blood testing, gut microbiome and nutrigenetics) and targeting to determine the accurate amount and methods (food or dietary supplements) of vitamins and trace elements. Dietitans can help the patients to analyze the nutrients intake by food, determine the needs of the nutrients, and implement the results in practice.

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