How to evaluate clinical trials?

Torday László (1), Végh Éva (2) – (1) SZTE, ÁOK, Onkoterápiás Klinika, Szeged, (2) Egyesített Szent István és Szent László Kórház és Rendelőintézet, Budapest

Data from a clinical study should be always viewed with great care, and is recommended to examine and evaluate the data in-depth. First of all should be determined the evidence level of the trial’s results and what recommendations can be made based on them. The study’s type and the study design, the number of participating patients, statistical power, randomisation, stratifi cation, the balance between study arms, the endpoints and the adequacy of follow-up time should be examined. In addition the importance of the observed statistical signifi cance, the clinical relevance of the data and the real magnitude of the detected differences, and the time-dependent variables are worth to consider because these factors can determine the impact of the given clinical trial on the every-day clinical practice. In the era of the “creative study plans” a critical attitude is necessary to be convinced that the study does not contain any typical bias that could infl uence the real value and actual results of the trial.

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