Pregnancy and cancer

Nagy Zsuzsanna, Sziller István, Valtinyi Dorottya, Horváth Orsolya –
Szent Imre Egyetemi Oktatókórház, Budapest

The joint appearance of pregnancy and cancer is rare. It is highly recommended that the tumorous pregnant should be managed by a multidisciplinary team. The early diagnosis is very important, but it is not easy, because the symptoms of pregnancy and cancer are rather similar. Imaging diagnosis has to avoid ionizing radiation (e.g. PET/CT). The same is true for chemotherapy in the fi rst trimester, due to the increased risk of developmental abnormalities. Consequently, radiation therapy is not allowded throughout the pregnancy, and the chemotherapy in the fi rst trimester is a strong indication for the interruption of pregnancy. Surgery, with good practice, usually can be performed without complications. Chemotherapy, given in the second and third trimester generally follows the standard protocols with a low frequency of developmental errors. Early delivery should not be encouraged, except the delay has a hazardous effect on the mother and/or on the child. The pregnant should be informed about all steps to be an active part of the fi nal decision.

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